The Folklore about Sarah says that, after Williams death in 1881, the highly distraught Mrs. Winchester sought the advice of the then famous Boston medium Adam Coons. This was an enormous sum for that time, but the wealth was no consolation to her losses. Such tables matched the twenty four letters of the Elizabethan-Jacobean Alphabet with specific numbers. Quite remarkably, the bills design incorporates an extensive spider-web structure which serves as a framework encompassing all of the various components in the overall pattern. We further recall how Bacon designed the text so that the word shake, the 46th word from the beginning of the Psalm is connected to the word spear, the 47th word from the Psalms end, by exactly 111 words. This item is part of a JSTOR Collection. The truncated pyramid, with its hovering capstone and All Seeing Eye represents the unfinished work of the quest to mirror the divine blueprint in accordance with Proverbs, 25it is the final piece of the universal puzzle yet to be set in place. Did Bacon (whose contemporaries referred to as the man who could see through time) truly foresee Sarah Winchester? Escher wrote: The spherical world cannot exist without the emptiness around it, not only, because inside presumes outside but also because in the nothing lie the, strict, geometrically determined, immaterial middle points of arcsThere is, something in such laws that takes the breath away. Artists such as Georges Braque, and Pablo Picasso were painting stunning images depicting a forth dimensional world view appropriately called cubism. However, no one was more in step with Sarah Winchesters perspective than the Dutch artist M.C. Going back to the windows we now have the answer to our original question. Escher. Also, 13 and 31 possess the unique quality of generating (reverse) palindromic twins when they are squared, i.e. William Wirt Winchester was born in Baltimore, MD on July 22, 1837. Finally, Sarahs use of the number 11 illustrates the simplicity of the cubes symmetry. Perhaps Winchester was really using those hours to spy on the help with a series of hidden windows. Properly aligned Center Window Panes showing the Hourglass. Given her direct exposure to the Baconian Doctrine, along with her passion for the Shakespearean works, it was inevitable that Sarah Pardee was drawn like an irresistible force to a more than passing interest in the new theorem. Therefore, six pyramidal bases equate to the number 24. Sarah adhered both to Bacons Kabbalistic theosophy and the theosophical perspective held by Rudolph Steiner (1861- 1925). Furthermore, Sarahs use of Bacons stops (decimals or periods) in the inscriptions indicates that something is further concealed in code. Later, during the Civil War, he made a fortune supplying ambulances to the Union Army. The answer, of course, is in The Numbers. The inheritor of the legacy would have a thorough understanding of The Numbersand, somewhere in the entire display of Sarahs numbers must reside a set of numbers that specifically reveal the inheritors identity both in name and date of birth. An English mathematician by the name of Charles Dodgson, writing under the pseudonym Lewis Carroll, wrote a childrens book that described the mind boggling properties one would encounter in a forth spatial dimension. It is his foundation for what would later become Speculative Freemasonry, and, as we have seen, it is ubiquitous throughout his Shakespearean work. Viewed through that lens, perhaps Sarah Winchester started building her house to throw away the family fortune. Her favorite niece and secretary, Marian Marriott, oversaw the removal and sale of all of Sarahs furnishings and personal property. CSICOP adds there are 13 coat hooks in the seance room, 13 drains in the sinks, and 13 stars in the leadlight window Winchester herself designed. Additionally, Sarah cleverly provides subtle hints of Pans presence as we detect glimpses of his horns blending in with the Windows overall design. Escher, The World of M.C. Source: In addition to being in concert with such ideas as the ever building universe, and the dynamic agriculture of the famous Rosicrucian Theosophist, mathematician and philosopher Rudolph Steiner (1861-1925), it seems clear that Sarah adopted his concept of the cube as the simplest geometric structure for the higher dimensional dynamics of the universe. 13 squared = 169, and 31 squared = 961. Unfortunately, due to an infantile decease known as Marasmus (a severe form of malnutrition due to the bodys inability to metabolize proteins), Annie died 40 days later. The two stained glass windows incorporate designs that were used by Francis Baconincluding his familiar winding banner. This is critical to understanding both Sarahs motivation and thinking. Since she clearly regarded her House as a living puzzle and a work of architectural art, we are compelled to examine the environment that influenced her views and her work. Then, the process of completing the four triangles renders four sets of the number 13, resulting in 52, which then simplifies to the number 7. These numbers consistently show up in the number of windows in many of the rooms, or the number of stairs in the staircases, or the number of rails in the railings, or the number of panels in the floors and walls, or the number of lights in a chandelier, etc. And, finally, the combination of the numbers 49 and 52 (representing the windows fundamental structure) gives us the number 101, i.e. And finally, if Mrs. Winchester truly believed she was cursed by the Winchester fortune, why would she exacerbate the matter by continuing to own vast shares of stock in the Winchester Repeating Arms Company, then, later acquire still greater controlling shares that she maintained and profited from for the rest of her life? The room measures 11 ft. x 11 ft. x 11 ft. Where is the Encryption Table? With regard to Cressida, most people presume that Sarah is alluding to the young maidens flirtatious nature. In fact, the traditional, orthodox, scholastic view of Cressida is that she is a whore. But this is not the point that Bacon (writing as Shakespeare) is trying to make, nor is it the point Sarah is trying to make. Sarah Winchester, formerly Sarah Lockwood Pardee, married William Wirt Winchester on 30 September 1862. It is the Senior Deacon who acts as the initiates guide throughout his initiation in all three of the Blue Lodge Degrees. Not far from the Bacon-fleur-de-lis windows, Sarah exhibits the most ornate stained glass window in the entire House. To the ancient Egyptian mind, this is where heaven is located. Additionally, the number 55 (Pythagorean Cipher) matches the name Hiram Abiff. This is important because it mimics the Masonic concept of the Canopy of Heaven or Heavenly Arch which is widely featured as part of the dcor in Masonic Lodge-rooms. Sarahs Sanctum is shaped like a cube, emulating the Sanctum Sanctorum, or Holy of Holies of Solomons Temple. This is exactly the, number of full moons in a solar year. He was buried in Evergreen Cemetery in New Haven. Sarah and William were married on September 30, 1862. Upon her marriage to William, Sarahs numbers reached a higher level of completion. Then, 9,324 x 13 = 121212. Sarah Winchester/Cause of death. Sarah seems to borrow from the pages of Lewis Carroll as she shows us large doors that lead into small space and small doors that open up into ridiculously large space. Author and historian Ralph Rambo (who actually knew Sarah) wrote it is believed that Mrs. Winchester was a Theosophist. Rambo didnt elaborate on the matter, but since he was close to Sarah he was certainly in a position to know some things about her. Courtesy of the Winchester Mystery House. These stunning symmetries derived from the application of the dynamic trio of Winchester prime numbers reveals an underlying unified principle that indicates a transcendental, higher truth is at work. This symbol should be partially recognizable to the Master Freemason, but something is missing. The codes used by Bacon were generally a mixture of five different tables: Simple Cipher, Kaye Cipher, Reverse Cipher, Short Cipher and the Pythagorean Cipher. There's also the possibility Winchester believed in spirits and used her time to figure out how to invite the good spirits in and keep the bad ones out. There are three spider-web rings flowing outward from the circle like concentric waves in a pond. In fact, Ramanujan numbers bear a striking resemblance to Winchester numbers. Moreover, upside-down pillars can be found all about the House. It is a virtual shrine to Bacon. Updated: October 5, 2011 . Perhaps the better question is why would anything that is strange, or not understood have to be explained as being related to the spirit world?. Partial collapse left it dangerously unstable, and it was torn down. On a superficial level, the inscription on the left is Sarahs way of saying Open Sesame to our mindsand, Welcome to my puzzle. The inscription in the right window is Sarahs way of saying Once you solve my puzzle, pass the truth on to others.. However, both Richard and Sarah resolve to overcome their plight with the phrase: Yet, Ill hammert out. For Richard, this is meant figuratively, but for Sarah, the interpretation took on a more literal meaning. Francis Bacon didnt adhere to the strict application of the simplification rule. As we have seen in earlier chapters the name Bacon, in Simple Cipher, adds up to the number 33. Its the only circle in the windows design. Maybe Sarah Winchester wasn't as batty as everyone thought. In accordance with her twelve page 13 part will (signed by her 13 times), Sarah had her entire estate divided up in generous portions to be distributed among a number of charities and those people who had faithfully spent years in her service. The expanded text from which these words appear reads: My brain Ill prove the female to my soul, And these same thoughts people this little. By partitioning this number set, and combining the partitions, the symmetrical relationship between 7 squared, 11 squared, and the number 13 has been demonstrated. His widow, Sarah, inherited his vast fortune and 50% . Although no mention has ever surfaced as to any specific guidelines or special instructions by which Mr. Lieb would select a buyer for the property, one gets the distinct impression that Sarah wanted the House to stand intact and perpetually preserved and so it does. 2010 DC History Center The novice student, called the initiate or candidate, was required to undergo a series of tests in order to prove that he was ready and worthy to advance to successively higher levels of learning. There are other places in the House where the initiate will learn more lessons. Through the Looking Glass had many of the qualities that would eventually be understood as the hallmarks of Einsteins Theory of Relativity. He commanded the corps from October 1842 to August 1844. However, the synergistic application of all three numbers (or their variants) is required in order to achieve the product of their higher dimensional symmetry. Check it out, and watch the Video Trailer! periods or decimals), the words and manner in which they are arranged have the appearance of incompletenessthey seem to be out of whack. Naturally, Sarah knew that we would eventually look up at the magnificent ceiling of her Ballroom. With the exception of the decorative middle panel that supports the 13 globe chandelier, we observe 9 main panels. The house is listed on the Historic Resources Inventory of the Los Altos Historical Commission. Taylor Root (one of Sarahs instructors) and Henry E. Pardee who was another of Sarahs cousins. The only difference with Sarahs Sun symbols is that, instead of the usual face in the center, Sarah has inserted the image of an eight petaled daisy (more about the eight petals later). Likewise, she would also have found inspiration in the Freemasonic symbology and the mysterious structure (including a staircase that leads nowhere) of Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland . Instead of pouring her profits back into the company, she funneled them into her house, as an admittedly brilliant way to give her relatives the financial middle finger from across the country. If a man were to traverse these stairs from the second floor, left to right, he would be traveling from west to east. As weve seen, the dynamic family of the prime numbers 7, 11, and 13 form the basis of Sarahs system of numbers. The answer is that without higher dimensional mathematics, such as the mathematical innovations of William Rowan Hamilton or Sophus Lie, many of the technologies we take for granted from computers, cell phones, to landing robotic space craft on Mars, etc., wouldnt be possible. Therefore, like the folklore, the term mystery should be put aside and replaced with the more appropriate term puzzle. Like the Chartres Cathedral in France , or Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland , Sarahs architectural legacy is an artful puzzle. 67 54, which, when combined also renders 121. In keeping with a popular trend of the day, he was named after William Wirt, the highly popular and longest serving Attorney General of the United States . Rudolph Steiner, Rosicrucian Wisdom An Introduction, published by Rudolph Steiner Press, East Sussex, UK., 2000. As we shall see, Sarahs preference for the names Annie Pardee (56), and Annie Winchester (77) were important because they demonstrated a numerical kinship between Annie and Sarah, and Annie and William. In another part of the House, the initiate comes to a landing connecting two staircases, each leading to different second story rooms. The staircase to the left has 7 stairs while the one on the right has 11 stairs. Its geometric shape is now pyramidal. Its a riveting story of romance, mystery, intrigue, betrayal, plots and murder. William Winchester is Notable. The offer was turned down. In fact, the term mystery is much too ethereal, implying an unreachable quality which cannot be ascertained. 1 33 1. The book, of course, was Through the Looking Glassa fitting title, considering the glass or mirror had been regarded as a portal to higher dimensions since Dee and Bacons time. a. Mrs. Winchester carefully selected two primary numbers to represent her daughters name, i.e. Gun Company owner, 2nd President, Winchester President. Tracing the story through letters, scrapbooks, and the journals of the workers who built the house, Ignoffo says there was another motivation behind the constant building: providing jobs. In the middle of the lawn we see a magnificent crescent shaped hedge, accentuated with brilliant, yellow chrysanthemums. They both made use of architectural devices and features that defy the conventions of ordinary three-dimensional space. Note further that the sequence is simply an endless repetition of combining a number with the preceding number in order to arrive at the next number in the sequence, e.g. The same symmetries we find in Ramanujans work, culminating in the E (8) x E (8) symmetry, also seem to conform to the symmetries that rule over the Winchester model. And, by simply multiplying 777 x 13, she produced the number 10101, or 111. Notice that 52 x 88 is really a variant of 7 x 7because 52 and 88 both simplify to the number 7. Using photographs of the two Shakespearean Windows, we cut them into thirds, resulting in facsimiles of the six window panes. Historically, the Tubal-Cain symbol has generated controversy because of its phallic connotation. And as we have previously seen, 21 consists of three 7s, or 777. They were married until William's death in 1881 in New Haven, Connecticut, United States. This is precisely the effect Sarah wanted the inscriptions to have on us. The realm of higher dimensions is, in fact, a kind of Super Space where things that seem to defy common sense in three dimensions actually make complete sense from the perspective of higher dimensions. Her sances allegedly involved the use of a Ouija board and planchette, and 13 various colored robes she would ritualistically wear each night (for the edification of the spirits) within the confines of her Sance Room.. But we can project some well educated theories. In ancient times, the initiate was subjected to a test called the labyrinth. Sarah and Williams destiny was not ineffable. And just to insure we would understand that the connection between the number 52 and the name Winchester are not accidental Sarah deliberately placed coded inscriptions on the three tombstones of the Winchester family plot. Her work was sponsored by the author Nathaniel Hawthorne and was later supported by the likes of Ralph Waldo Emerson and Mark Twain. This, of course, isnt the only instance in which Sarah has joined the numbers 4 and 7 together. Courtesy of the History Museums of San Jose. Despite the fact that Sarah Winchester was extremely secretive about herself, nearly all of what the public thinks it knows about her reads like a mish-mash of gossip out The National Enquirer. I refer to this body of misinformation as The Folklore. Indeed, on one of my many research visits to the Winchester Mystery House, a senior tour guide informed me that in the old days, the tour guides were encouraged to make up stuff just to give some spice to the story.. Historian Pamela Haag says from the outside, the house looks impressive but not weird. 13 therefore manifests the ultimate (invisible) boundary of all the coherent symmetries from which the structure of the universe is formed. In fact, she has already done it for us. Clearly, what we see before us wasnt placed there for Sarahs self amusement. Like Rosslyn Chapel, the Winchester House serves as a higher dimensional puzzle. Both Bacon and Sarah had to have been keenly aware of this. But most importantly, as we shall see, Sarah adopted the numeric, cryptographic techniques of Francis Bacon, incorporating them into her architecture along with specific Baconian symbols. Following her death, the home was auctioned to the highest bidder, who then turned it into an attraction for the public; the first tourists walked through the house in February 1923, five months after Winchester died. Ignoffo, Mary Jo. This legend was further exaggerated by John and Mayme Brown, theme park developers, who bought the property with the intention of turning it into an attraction. Whatever her secrets and motivations were, they died with her. Most of what we know or think we know about Sarah Winchester, her home, and her motivations is pure speculation. There are a few different versions of what happened next, but according to Destination America, the widely accepted one is that Winchester was plagued with grief over her lost family and was also haunted by the deaths their Winchester rifles had caused over the years. Francis Bacons Coat of Arms with crescent moon brand on the boar at the top, Because it is shaped like the Roman Numeral 100 (Lunate Sigma), Bacon used the crescent moon as another devise to represent his nameand we are reminded of Bacons words in Sonnet 111: Thence comes it that my name receives a brand.. The most obvious Baconian devices in the Tiffany Window are Sarahs Tubal-Cain symbols. Moreover, two numbers are always multiplied by each other, leaving a product that is then partitioned, and the partitioned numbers are then added together resulting in a sum. Yet, everything in the pattern leads to the circleand, everything emanates from it. We are forced to ask if Sarah wants us to view these as two, separate 7s or as the number 77 ? 4 + 9 = 13. Among the secrets Sarah took to her grave was why she insisted that so many things relate to the number 13. Moreover, the name Annie Pardee corresponds with the number 56 in the Pythagorean Cipher. The Winchester Tiffany Window. The construction of the House was an ever building enterprise in which rotating shifts of workers labored 24 hours per day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. It should not surprise us that Sarah chose to start the initiates journey of discovery with words from this particular play. They read: BABY ANNE, SLW, and WWW. These three inscriptions add up in the Pythagorean Cipher to 52. Despite the fact that the Civil War was then going on in the USA, the wedding was a big social occasion in New Haven, Connecticut. They are not discoveries. Ralph Rambo, Lady of Mystery, published by THE PRESS, San Jose, California, 1967. In 2017, The Mercury News reported a new general manager overhauled the way things are done there, opening 40 more rooms to the public, including unfinished spaces and cubbyholes created by the haphazard construction. Naturally, Sarah was in good company with regard to expressing the new view. 406) represents Christian Rosenkreutz (Kaye Cipher), and the number 47 refers both to the Master Mason (i.e. The concept of a forth dimension became an obsession that permeated both the scientific and academic communities of the latter nineteenth century. The Winchester House has many 13-paned . We are actually dealing with a choice between two options: one, either Mrs. Winchester was crazy, or two, she is cleverly guiding us toward an understanding of the methodology she employs for the sole purpose of solving her puzzle. The initiate had to successfully find the correct path through the labyrinths numerous pitfalls, obstacles and traps. Furthermore, why would odd features built into a house confuse evil spirits? He held that architecture was the noblest and most perfect of all the art forms. Thus, Riemann devised a new, higher dimensional geometry that demonstrates how parallel lines can intersect, and arcs, rather than straight lines, can be the shortest distance between two points. With Mrs. Winchester as its only architect, the House gradually mushroomed outward and upward, reaching a height of 7 stories in some places, and encompassing 500 600 rooms. Thus, we have the number 3 in both windows, rendering Bacons number 33. She also purchased a farmhouse, now known as the Winchester-Merriman House, for her sister and brother-in-law. Note the beauty of the product of 13 x 444its 5772. Notice that the letter W is equivalent to the number 5 (Pythagorean Cipher), and the letter S is equivalent is the number 1hence, 51. Also, when we take a closer look at the words UNCLASP and TABLES, we realize that in Bacons time the only things to be unclasped were bookssecret booksbooks containing Encryption Codes with an Encryption Table to decipher such codes. [8][9], In the 1920s Mrs Winchester also maintained a houseboat on San Francisco Bay at Burlingame, California, which became known as "Sarah's Ark", as it was reputedly kept there as insurance against her fear of a second great flood, such as the Biblical one experienced by Noah and his family, but a more mundane answer is that many people of her social standing in California at that time had houseboats or yachts. The double loss of Annie and William was a staggering blow to Sarah. William married Sarah Lockwood Pardee on September 30, 1862. or inventions of the human mind, but exist independently of us. William Wirt Winchester was born June 22, 1837 in Baltimore, Baltimore County, Maryland, United States, the son of Oliver F. Winchester and Jane E. (Hope) Winchester. The entrance referred to by the tour guides as the Switchback Staircase (or the goofy) is built so as to wind from the center, outward, round and round, in the shape of an Archimedes Spiral until it reaches the second floor. From the beginning of civilization, the geometric value of Phi (and the number 13 in particular) has been used as the basis for all great architectural endeavors. William's wife, Sarah, moved to San Jose, California, where she began building a chaotic mansion now known as the Winchester Mystery House with her inheritance. Furthermore, she began crafting her puzzle long before the construction of the House. Such a notion, as any practicing Rosicrucian knows, is utterly absurd. In fact, some of Bacons engravings show him holding books with CLASPS. This product can then be partitioned as 45 76, which, when combined becomes 121 (11 squared), or, it can be partitioned (from the inside-out) as 57 46, which, when combined equates to 103 (13). Instead of allowing admittance in the front of her House, Mrs. Winchester required people to enter from the rear, through one entrance strategically located near the northwest corner. Steiner viewed the universe as a vast, living organism in which all things are likened to individually evolving units or cells that comprise a greater universal, synergistic body that is ever building. As we shall further see, the ever building theme was at the core of Sarahs methodology. It's tough to imagine a house that big, and apparently, it was tough for Winchester, too. During a sance with Coons, Sarah was told that because of the many people who had been slain by the Winchester Rifle, she was cursed by the Winchester fortune. But the primary importance here is that the pair of 16s (standing side-by-side) is a reference to the calendar year 1616. Bacons legacy seems to be intricately entangled with Sarahs destiny, as demonstrated in the cryptic Winchester goose message contained in the last sentence of Troilus and Cressida. The webs center is occupied by a circle. The pyramids, for example, are built according to the growth of the, number 13. And, they arent just talking to ustheyre SCREAMING at us! See advertisement. The architect theme shows up in virtually everything he produced. There was a lock of her husband's hair, a lock of her daughter's hair, and their obituaries. The deeper truth about Cressida is that she does whatever she must in order to surviveand Sarah, in her own way, saw herself as a survivor. Blending in with the phrase: Yet, Ill hammert out there are other places the... And replaced with the phrase: Yet, Ill hammert out like a cube, emulating Sanctum! 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